3/31/14 - Sarah writes a Post

Sarah wanted to do a post of her week with us in Mesa - Enjoy! 

Sarah here Friday, March 21

Last Friday I, Sarah, went on my first air plane ride. I was going to phoenix AZ, to mesa AZ. It took 4 hours to get there! When we arrived, my Aunt Mary and Uncle Marty picked us up from the airport. It was 30 degrees in IL and in AZ it was 80 degrees. When we got back me and my grandma spent the night there.

The next day we worked on cutting out letters for my scrapbook. After cutting out letters we spent the rest of the day swimming in the family pool. We also tested the Cricut so it worked properly. When it was pool time Uncle Marty had an underwater camera so we took a LOT of pictures under water.

On Sunday, We started packing up when my grandma said Lets put all the Grand Canyon clothes in the smaller suit case and Aunt Mary said that there is no leaving stuff behind because we have the R.V. When we started our journey when we were half
way there my grandma said; oh no! I forgot my medications! I said grandma we have
our home (R.V) with us. Then when we finally got to the Grand Canyon we started to unpack. Then we went to a shuttle bus stop to go to the Grand Canyon. When we got on the bus it was packed!!!! Then when we got off we were at the Grand Canyon. My first words
 Now on Monday, we did all sorts of crazy things. We went shopping for almost each grandchild that my grandma has. My cousin Sammy got a new pair of earrings, my brother got a hat and I got a sweatshirt. Then we had crazy trouble with one section of the shuttle buses. We would get to the bus and we would ask the bus driver if it was the right bus, but she said the other bus would take you there. So we got to the other bus stop just in time we also asked the driver if we were on the right bus. But he said the bus that we went to was the right bus. So we just walked to the Grand Canyon. When we got there we started to hike down the GRAND Canyon.
 On Tuesday, we packed up and we left the Grand Canyon. We took a bathroom break and we went to the back of the R.    V and got some snacks. The snacks were pretzels and mustard. When we got back, we unpacked and made the R.V walls get wider.
Then we hit the pool. We took even MORE photos under water.
After, all that fun we went back to scrap book. We watched Jeopardy for a while, then we called it a night.

On Wednesday, we called it a pool/scrap book day. For the pool there were 2 other kids playing water gun wars and fish. Fish is a 3 player game, and there is one fisherman and 2 fish. The fisherman tries to catch the two fish with the water gun or a noodle. A water gun war is totally different then Fish. The other game is catorgory. It’s a game were you name a category and whatever the person names that is your favorite thing you swim across to the other side(across or side to side).When we got back we went to DQ.I got a cherry dipped cone, my grandma got a lemon moraine ,aunt Mary got
Chocolate cherry LOVE and my uncle Marty got a Sunday I think. We got back early because there was a sand storm warning on the news. We just saw a little dust but not much. Also we had a very special visitor come (flat Stanley).

On Thursday we, prepared for the spring training game for the Cubs.  We took Flat Stanley with to the Spring Training game.  Stanley got to be held by the Fergie Jenkins and one of the Cubs players. I got to take lots of pictures of the Cubs and Sox. We got a signed baseball by Fergie Jenkins. We went on the Cubs trolley. We also sat up very close.  I almost got sunburned by the steaming hot sun. After wards we got an hour earlier so that we could see the batting practice. Flat Stanley and I got to sit by the dugout. 

On Friday it was the last day at Arizona/ pool. It was the saddest day yet. So we spent the whole day at the pool and scrapbooking.  I was so sad that I didn’t want to get out of the pool. In the pool there were two little girls who wanted to balance on a beach ball. So I had to teach them. I told them to just balance. Sooner or later they were balancing. Then we started to play hot potato with the beach ball. Then after that we saw who could hold their breath the longest. The other older girl beat me. Then we went back home, R.V. We started to scrapbook afterward I started my blog. I only got up to a certain point, but here it is. Before we did all that it was time to go to lunch with Nancy, my Grandma and Aunt Mary’s cousin. We went to Pasties.  Later on we went out to dinner.  The name was Organ Stop.  I had HAWIIAN PIZZA. After we suggested a song, When the saints go marching in and another song. 

Saturday, the week has sadly passed now it is time go back to the deeply freezing cold weather where there is sadly snow and now it is time to go back to Chicago.  We took two airplanes. The airport was in Phoenix and the other was in Texas. Then my grandpa picked us up and went to Around the Clock in the deeply freezing cold weather on Saturday night.
Goodbye Arizona! :(

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